On 5-7 of October 2018, the work CAUTION [...] was presented at the Art10 Gallery.

Exhibition @ Art10 Gallery

From 5.10.2018

till 7.10.2018

Athens, Greece

Art10 Gallery

Parthenonos 39 str., Akropoli, Athens, Greece



The work was presented in the form of archive covering in full detail, the first year of the project's development and the performances that occurred within this time span. The archive consisted of a selection of ten recorded (video format) performances, several volumes of research & written work (both in digital format), photographs, charts and the cartography of all the performances (visualised digitally on google maps).


The exhibition was supplemented by a participatory action that urged the exhibition's visitors to imagine themselves being the cockroach posing questions to the passersby. The visitor's questions were collected, printed on stickers and distributed around the gallery's neighbouring streets.




Photographs - Dimitra Trousa, Myrto Sarma, Myrto Lantza


News letter


©2023 ReCompulsive Behaviours. All rights reserved.

On 13-15 of September 2019, the work CAUTION [...] was presented at the Old Vinegar House.

Exhibition @ Art10 Gallery

From 5.10.2018

till 7.10.2018

Athens, Greece

Art10 Gallery

Parthenonos 39 str., Akropoli, Athens, Greece

The work was presented in the form of archive covering in full detail, the first year of the project's development and the performances that occurred within this time span. The archive consisted of a selection of ten recorded (video format) performances, several volumes of research & written work (both in digital format), photographs, charts and the cartography of all the performances (visualised digitally on google maps).


The exhibition was supplemented by a participatory action that urged the exhibition's visitors to imagine themselves being the cockroach posing questions to the passersby. The visitor's questions were collected, printed on stickers and distributed around the gallery's neighbouring streets.




Photographs - Dimitra Trousa, Myrto Sarma, Myrto Lantza




On 13-15 of September 2019, the work CAUTION [...] was presented at the Old Vinegar House.